Sunday 23 July 2017


This year Cooper started kinder, I never posted about his first day at school, but I cried.... I didn't expect to because mostly I was so excited for him to take this next big step, but I did! He went to school with a really good little mate from preschool and the boys quickly formed a little wolf pack with two other boys, and they've been inseparable since.

But back to the birthday wishes...

6 is really a magical age, or at least it has been for you Cooper, everyday is pure joy. You are still such a good kid and fierce friend. Your very first report card indicated how popular you were with the other kids, how you fought for fairness in the playground and encouraged everyone to try their hardest. Academically you have amazed your dad and I, reading well above what's required, and solving problems with ease.

You still have a sensitive side, and love to cuddle when it's just the 6 of us at home.

You have taken to being a big brother again so well. You beam with pride whenever someone asks about your twin brothers, you help feed them and entertain them, and you were amazingly strong when the boys and I were stuck in hospital for a month.

As you get older I find this harder and harder to write. You are still the same boy you've always been, you are still brave and bashful, cheeky and loving - but you are growing up, finding more and more ways to be independent and show us how responsible you are for a 6 year old.

That very first week of school you begged me to allow you to do crossings, then third term you were catching the bus home and by the end of the year I have no doubt that you and Lewis will have arranged to walk home to Lewi's place to play nerf guns after school....

Your dad couldn't have been prouder the very first time you strapped on your footy boots and ran out to play. The first game, that first tackle your dad lit up with pride, the first try his smile took over his entire face - we'll never push you to play something you're not interested in, but for this year your dad has never been happier.

Still I love you, still I am so incredibly proud to call you mine, still; despite no longer being my baby boy you are my favourite big boy.

Happy birthday mate

At 6: you've got 2 loose teeth
Height: 123cm
Weight: ?? we haven't weighed you in ages
Your best friends are: Lewis Kelsey, Liam Carter, Lucas Mayberry, Paxton Cordwell and Riley Tank
Your favourite things are: BMX, playing footy and soccer, playing infinity on the PS4 with daddy and asking for snacks.
Your biggest achievement this year: you were incredibly proud of yourself for being the only kid in kinder to get all your sight words right before the end of term 1. You also sought out the principle on the day your baby brothers were born to make an announcement to the entire school at morning assembly, letting everyone know that Carter and Mason were born.
Your favourite food: pizza

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