Saturday 5 May 2018

Zoe is 5!

Zoe, affectionately nicknamed Poppet by your DadYOU ARE 5! 

The days turned to weeks, the weeks, to months the months to years, and now we are here!

Over the past 12 months your life has changed dramatically, but with every new change you embraced it, standing strong and true to yourself and proving to us that you are resilient, brave and smart beyond belief. 

The arrival of your twin baby brothers shortly after your birthday last year was the proudest moment of your short life. You genuinely treat those boys as if you birthed them. In fact i have heard you say "come to your other mummy boys"as I've roused on them for pulling on the PS4 cables for the hundredth time. I have never seen a more doting sibling. That first visit to the NICU to see them you beamed with absolute pride and since that day you are constantly kissing, cuddling and picking up the boys to move them from one activity to another. I often hear you say things like “its ok sweet heart, Zoe is here” or “oh darling, don’t cry sweet pea, I’m here now, it’ll be all OK”.  I have to remind you that being a sister is even better than being a mummy, but one day you’ll make a beautifully caring mother  Zoe, and as much as it frustrates me now I hope you will continue to have the boys backs as they grow older and more independent.  
This year you started school. The youngest in your class (and you will always be), I frequently checked in with your teacher and each and every time Miss Vance assures me that you lead class discussions, formed strong friendships and were not at all intimidated by the academics you were exposed to. You caught the bus home on your very first day and have been little miss independent since.  

You cannot and will not be coerced into anything that you don’t want to do. It’s a trait I both admire and despise right now. As I watch you playing with Cooper and his friends one afternoon they were unsuccessfully attempting to get you to do their dirty work and you held your ground, in fact I’ve been so inspired by your ability to stick up for others and yourself over the past year despite the age difference.  

In the short 5 years you’ve been mine your personality has been set in stone. You are just like me. Your Poppy Kay (as with all your grandparents) simply adores you and laughs openly, knowing exactly what I am in for into your teenage years. He loves your spirit, your brazen independence and the sweet side you bring out when you need to.  

Since sharing a room with Cooper I can see that your bond is strengthened, and while you do deliberately annoy one another I hear you comfort each other when I yell, you band together to plan how to get me to agree to something and you back each other’s white lies as to make the story more believable. He still protects you, but you in all your strength can now protect him, and you do.
When you become a mum you’ll realise how fleeting these years are, how quickly a child grows from baby to girl, from girl to woman. I’ve loved watching your transformation but I’m saddened that your childhood is moving so quickly. Gosh I love you darling daughter. Never stop being exactly who you are. 

At 5: 
You can: read simple readers, run faster and further than your big brother, do a handstand against the wall 
You hate: when Cooper says he wants quiet time away from you, onion, coldsores and having to use peppermint oil on them and you loath tomato skin
You love: performingwearing your make up, your twin brothers, going to school and winning at everything. 
Your best friends are: Leah Cordwell, Willow Tank, Sophia Kay,  and Elsie and Rosie from kindergarten.
Your favourite food is: Sushi and Spaghetti Bol.  
Your favourite memory over the last year is: The day your baby brothers came home from hospital and when Oma came to the holiday house with us after Christmas. 
You weigh:  18.5kilo
You are:  109.5cm tall
You have: all your baby teeth
Sport: You play netball and Dance every week.

You and Sophia on your 5th birthday - currently obsessed with Harley Quinn

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