Wednesday 15 May 2019

The terrible Twos - Carter Rushby


You have certainly come out of your shell. You are so much more comfortable playing on your own, you don’t go looking for Mason if he’s not around, but you do love (and hate) his company. You like to fight, I don’t know if its watching Cooper play football or just wrestling with Dad, but tackling people is you favourite thing! You still love your cuddles and you’ll fight anyone who’s cuddling mum when you want to. You shower me with kisses and cuddles whenever you get the chance. You are cautious and you are shy. I often hear you singing songs or making up babbling stories as you play, but the second you catch someone watching you it all stops. Zoe is still your everything, whenever mums roused on you or Mason has upset you in any way you turn to Zoe to make it right. Now let me tell you, you Carter John Rushby can tantrum with the best of them kid - you will full on pitch a fit for no good reason, go stiff as a board and throw yourself to the ground, scream, kick and hit like the whole of Kmart isn't watching...... but that's just one side of you... the other side is sickly sweet.

You are happy laying around inside with books and trains but nothing beats throwing and catching with dad when he’s home. You are super clever, you like puzzles and building things. You are the Calm to Mason’s Storm and I love that you are both such individual and independent little beings. When he wakes you each morning you beam at him, both laugh and giggle and then run down the hall yelling "breakfast breakfast" until we oblige. I just love your bond.

You love to cheer, you are everyone's biggest supporter – you yell and clap and cheer from the sidelines of netball games, football matches and BMX racing. Your little “GOOOO BUBBA”  is Cooper’s favourite thing to hear from the side line. I hope you are always your siblings biggest fan!

You cheer in the car when you realise it’s a daycare day and you aren’t fond of Caterina when Mums at home. You really are my little koala kid, you spend most nights in bed with us, or at the very least the wee hours of the morning. Whether it’s because Mason has crawled into your bed and you’re not happy about it, or because the dummy just isn’t cutting it to sooth you back to sleep – I don’t mind, neither does your Dad, because  I know one day I’ll have blinked and these days will seem like a distance memory, I know one day I’ll ask for a hug and it’ll come on the provision that your friends don’t see it. I know right now I am where you feel safe, and I hope you always look to me for that security.  Much like your brother I spend my days telling you how amazing and special you are, how I love you and how you complete our family – I hope you always know and feel that you were meant to be our child and that we wouldn’t have life without you in.

You love: sleep, tackling Mason, food, balls, books, rudiger, music and shaun the sheep
You hate: when Mason is cuddling mum, apple skin,
Your best friends:  Mason and Zoe
Teeth: 16 and working on 4 molars as we speak
You can: count to ten and randomly sing the ABC song, dance and tackle
Height: 87.6cm
Weight: 13 kilo
Your Favourite Food: curried sausages with mash
Your Favourite Place: the shower, mummys lap or bed

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