At 7 years old I wonder if this birthday will be remembered by you the same way it will be by me? Did you feel as young and carefree as you did on your special day last year, do you have any understanding of how frightened the world is or have I successfully managed to protect you from that? Will you remember this as a self-isolation / quarantine / online learning birthday, or just as one spent on the farm with your grandparents, brothers, our Au Pair (Sini) and I breathing fresh air, roaming for miles, and full of energy?
Whatever your memories of this day years into the future I hope they bring a smile that consumes your whole face, the way it does now when you laugh. I hope that behind all my anxieties around how this period will affect you, you look back fondly and realise how lucky we were to be together, with your grandparents able to have the space and freedom to be a child.
Despite all the doom and gloom in the world this past year you have shone through. This year has been a year of the highest of highs for you. The summer of 19-20 was your first attempt with the Ginninderra Little Athletics club, and you took to it like a fish to water. Week in and week out you smashed your PBs and won event after event with such strong motivation to never be defeated in the long distance races. In the end you ended up second behind the Age Champion over all. You were brave enough to enter the school swimming carnival placing 3rd in under 8s (yes that's correct, you were the only 6 or 7 year old who wanted to give it a go, so you competed against girls in year 3) in 2 events! At school your end of year report showed us that you are so much more capable than what you say you are at home, receiving Bs across the board! You still show great leadership and are extremely resilient.
We've fought less this year than we have in the past, I know it won't last but I've really enjoyed seeing you shine and grow this year. I particularly love your competitive side (despite the fights of who wins between you and Coop), I love the side of you that makes your father melt into workable clay that gets you what you want, I've loved learning more about your friends, your likes and who you want to be. I'm not ready for you to be 7 and I'm sorry we aren't able to spend the day with your friends, but I hope to make it special for you, because my darling daughter you deserve to feel special.
You've grown so much this year Zo Zo, you are a real little lady when you want to be, boisterous at all other times though, while I may get frustrated by the noise, one day I will miss your squeals and giggles of delight as you play with the boys. Please stop being in such a rush to grow up, to wear make up and a bra, to straighten your hair or wear high heels, just be my baby girl for just a little longer.

You Love: running, proving to people that you are right, being a big sister, talking with your friends, hugs from mum, drawing, writing and you are starting to enjoy reading.
Your Best friends are: Ruby, Rosie, Emmy, Elsie and Sophia
You play: Athletics; and you are damn good at it. You are enrolled to start soccer this year again, but we will have to wait and see.
Your Favourite food is: tuna mornay, but you also love mums berry crumble, pepper steak pie, sushi, Oma's home made chicken schnitzel and tasting plates.
You hate: having to follow anyone else’s rules, not getting to do the same things Cooper does, not getting your way.
You want to be: A teacher or a nurse when you grow up
You have: finally lost your first tooth and have a second wobbly one! (lost on the 1st of March 2020)
You have: finally lost your first tooth and have a second wobbly one! (lost on the 1st of March 2020)
The most memorable events for you: Racing from the start hill at BMX. Attending your second cousins (Alexandra's) wedding, going on most of the same slides as Cooper at Wet & Wild, spending a week with the Kay's at Forster after Christmas, coming 2nd overall in the age champion category in little As, missing out on so many events and parties because of smoke, fire, hail or COVID-19.
You are 119.5cm tall
You weigh 23kg

I love you my baby girl, I'm so very proud of who you are xx
Love ,