Tuesday, 25 August 2020

9 - Happy birthday Cooper

Happy 9th Birthday Cooper


Wow what a year.

 I don’t know where I should start with this birthday letter. I suppose, if I’m honest I’ll start by saying that I know how hard the past 9 months in particular have been for you. You more than the others have really suffered through what everyone keeps referring to as “unprecedented times”. While there are days where I think your Dad and I have done well to shelter you from the stressors of the past year, I know you have felt let down by us and disappointed in our decisions whether they be within our control or not.

 At 9 there’s a level of understanding you have about the world around you, and while we can try to protect you it’s not always possible. I’m sorry that you have felt the impact of the past year more than the others. I’m sorry sport was cancelled because of smoke, threat of fire, flood and COVID. I’m sorry that school was closed, that you were unable to be with your friends and that we chose to spend such a large amount of time remotely. We honestly believed that the time on the farm would be better for your mental health, and I’m sorry you felt it isolated you further from your friends. I’m sorry you felt home schooling was hard and that I pushed you too much. When you read this, I hope you understand that all of those decisions were made in your best interest and out of love, but also because we were afraid and while everything may have stopped for you they didn’t for us and that that we did what we believed was best.


While for your birthday we were back in Canberra it was different than birthdays before, parks were closed, businesses were closed, there were rules to how many people could be in a house at any one time; and for you that meant it was only Liam would could celebrate with you.


Now, I want to focus on you, this is your birthday letter after all and there are so many things about you this last year that I am so proud of:

1)      Towards the end of last year you made a really hard decision not to write Paxton’s name down on who you wanted to be in a class with for 2020. You recognised that the fierce friendship you two have was impacting on your ability to concentrate and learn in class.  

2)      This year you’ve risked your own safety to assist others. Swimming out to help your cousin Dean who’d jumped in too deep off the pier at Forster, and throwing yourself in front of Carter so the 9 seater glass outdoor dining table fell on your instead of him.  

3)      Your attitude toward sport. You play for fun and to be with your mates and while at times the super competitive side of me wishes you showed a little more competitive nature, it’s nice to see that you are gracious in both winning and defeat.

4)      Your independence and level of maturity. I can trust that you will make the right choice.

 You’re a truly remarkable 9 year old. As you grow I can see you start to pull away, I can feel some attitude creep into your responses and behaviour, and given the circumstances we understand, but we also understand that these next years are going to feel like the hardest for you, too old for many things you used to enjoy but not yet old enough for a lot of things you want to try too. I’ll try not to embarrass you at footy, or get out of the car on crossing wearing my ugg boots, I won’t lecture you about bed time or brush your hair in front of your friends but I will love and support you, and I’ll try my hardest to keep you safe no matter how difficult it is for you to let me.


At 9:

Your best friends are: Paxton Cordwell, Liam Carter and Lewis Kelsey

You love to eat all the time, your favourite foods are anything that doesn’t have capsicum.

You haven’t lost any additional teeth from your birthday last year.

You play: Cricket and League

Monday, 15 June 2020

now you're 3 Carter....

My baby boy my goodness how this year has flown. Every single day is a joy with you in it, with your warm cuddles and when you place your hands on my cheeks and give me sweet kisses. Days with you fly by, because days with you are full of fun, smiles and giggles.

You still love a quiet place to play alone when you can get it, I often hear you talking to your toys and playing "make believe" in your room. You have found your voice and while you still aren't a huge fan of talking to people I know your vocabulary has grown exponentially over the last few months.

You run down the hall each morning demanding breakfast like you haven't eaten for weeks, and every morning it makes me smile.

You love the secret little club you and Zoe have formed, the exclusivity, time away from the others and her devout attention to you.

I know the whole concept of COVID19  is lost on you. I'm really thankful for extra time out on the farm with wide open spaces fresh air and the love and care of your grandparents. I'm thankful all you experienced was having your mum home for more hours of the day. I don't think you'll ever appreciate how lucky I felt to have this extra time with you. For me, this global pandemic was a wonderful time to slow down and reflect on the most important things in our typically busy lives, and coming out on top was quality time with you and your siblings.

You are such a special kid Carter. I love you. Happy 3rd birthday, I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us.

At 3:
  • you are 100cm tall and 16.5kilo heavy
  • you have all your teeth, and yes some are chipped 
  • you love big cuddles, stolen kisses, playing with Zoe, reading cranky bear on repeat, watching the Julia Donaldson books on i-view, finding worms and snails, playing on the oval kicking balls, riding your scooter and sleeping
  • your favourite meal is anything that you can put sauce on
  • you hate: when Mason interrupts your quiet time, waking up, apologising, when anyone asks you to do something you don't want to.
  • your best friend is Mason, perpetually telling people at day-care he is "your Mason"

Mr Mason.... your 3rd birthday

What a year you have had! I'm actually finding this blog entry really difficult to write. This past year you've grown up, you are now a little boy rather than a toddler or baby, it's kind of hard to grasp.

You are so like Zoe in a lot of ways, a firm believer in doing it yourself and doing it your way. You just don't stop. You don't stop moving, talking, laughing, squealing, eating...... you are so busy all the time. I've loved your outgoing personality shining through. Always looking for someone to play with, to talk till their ears bleed, to make games up with and to pretend with.

Despite early signs that you might toilet train over the past 6 months you've swiftly decided that's not your thing right now and that's OK, though for Christmas this year mum really wants to never have to change a nappy again.

You've really learnt through make believe play, it's probably no secret that I haven't had the hours to spend teaching you your letters or numbers, but that hasn't stopped you counting to twenty to play hide and seek, or pointing out coloured objects.

I know the whole concept of COVID19 for you was simply just that mum got to be home with you, i don't think you'll ever appreciate how lucky I felt to have this extra time with you, to watch you build cubbies on the farm, feed horses grass from your hands and ride your bikes for kilometers around the block.

I'm really thankful for you Mason, you make me feel like a super star mum when you cuddle me, I can really feel the love from you, you are so genuinely you.

I often say that you are cheeky trouble and you are; but for now, you're the very best kind of trouble.

birthday joy - your PJ masks cakes with our Au Pair Sini

At 3

  • you are: 100.5cm tall and 15.5kilo heavy
  • you finally sleep through the night
  • you have all your baby teeth, even if a few are chipped
  • you love: playing doggie, being outside, running wild, being the winner, big hugs, visiting your grandparents
  • your favourite food is: sausages with mash and veggies, spaghetti, chicken schnitzel
  • your best friend is Carter, but you love to spend time with Evie & Oscar Carter and often ask for them
  • you hate: when Zoe leaves you out of a game, going  to bed, when Carter just wants to play by himself, when you have to share my lap to sit on and having your nappy changed.
  • you love to say "don't be sad" whenever you leave the room or the comfort of someones lap for mine. 


Thursday, 23 April 2020

A Quarantine 7th Birthday

Who would have thought this time a year ago I'd be posting your birthday blog entry working remotely from the farm, during a pandemic which has seen the entire world shut down for the past 2 months. Who would have thought that 2020 would be the year we sheltered in Forster for weeks to avoid the hazardous smoke that consumed and choked Canberra for months during the worst bushfire season on record, the year hail stones the size of tennis balls pelted homes and cars and workplaces causing catastrophic damage, the year schools, parks, pools and business' were forced to shut to avoid the spread of disease and assist in social distancing measures.

 At 7 years old I wonder if this birthday will be remembered by you the same way it will be by me? Did you feel as young and carefree as you did on your special day last year, do you have any understanding of how frightened the world is or have I successfully managed to protect you from that? Will you remember this as a self-isolation / quarantine / online learning birthday,  or just as one spent on the farm with your grandparents, brothers, our Au Pair (Sini) and I breathing fresh air, roaming for miles, and full of energy?

Whatever your memories of this day years into the future I hope they bring a smile that consumes your whole face, the way it does now when you laugh. I hope that behind all my anxieties around how this period will affect you, you look back fondly and realise how lucky we were to be together, with your grandparents able to have the space and freedom to be a child.

Despite all the doom and gloom in the world  this past year you have shone through. This year has been a year of the highest of highs for you. The summer of 19-20 was your first attempt with the Ginninderra Little Athletics club, and you took to it like a fish to water. Week in and week out you smashed your PBs and won event after event with such strong motivation to never be defeated in the long distance races. In the end you ended up second behind the Age Champion over all. You were brave enough to enter the school swimming carnival placing 3rd in under 8s (yes that's correct, you were the only 6 or 7 year old who wanted to give it a go, so you competed against girls in year 3) in 2 events! At school your end of year report showed us that you are so much more capable than what you say you are at home, receiving Bs across the board! You still show great leadership and are extremely resilient. 

We've fought less this year than we have in the past, I know it won't last but I've really enjoyed seeing you shine and grow this year. I particularly love your competitive side (despite the fights of who wins between you and Coop), I love the side of you that makes your father melt into workable clay that gets you what you want, I've loved learning more about your friends, your likes and who you want to be. I'm not ready for you to be 7 and I'm sorry we aren't able to spend the day with your friends, but I hope to make it special for you, because my darling daughter you deserve to feel special. 

You've grown so much this year Zo Zo, you are a real little lady when you want to be, boisterous at all other times though, while I may get frustrated by the noise, one day I will miss your squeals and giggles of delight as you play with the boys. Please stop being in such a rush to grow up, to wear make up and a bra, to straighten your hair or wear high heels, just be my baby girl for just a little longer.

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, people playing sports and outdoorImage may contain: 1 person, ocean, outdoor, water and natureImage may contain: 1 person, smiling, stripesImage may contain: 1 person, closeup

You Love: running, proving to people that you are right, being a big sister, talking with your friends, hugs from mum, drawing, writing and you are starting to enjoy reading.
Your Best friends are: Ruby, Rosie, Emmy, Elsie and Sophia 
You play: Athletics; and you are damn good at it. You are enrolled to start soccer this year again, but we will have to wait and see.
Your Favourite food is: tuna mornay, but you also love mums berry crumble, pepper steak pie, sushi, Oma's home made chicken schnitzel and tasting plates. 
You hate:  having to follow anyone else’s rules, not getting to do the same things Cooper does, not getting your way.
You want to be: A teacher or a nurse when you grow up
You have: finally lost your first tooth and have a second wobbly one! (lost on the 1st of March 2020)
The most memorable events for you: Racing from the start hill at BMX. Attending your second cousins (Alexandra's) wedding, going on most of the same slides as Cooper at Wet & Wild, spending a week with the Kay's at Forster after Christmas, coming 2nd overall in the age champion category in little As, missing out on so many events and parties because of smoke, fire, hail or COVID-19.
You are 119.5cm tall 
You weigh 23kg 

I love you my baby girl, I'm so very proud of who you are xx
Love ,