Thursday, 19 September 2019

An open letter to my husband

Lately I’ve realised just how lucky we are to have you, I mean I’ve always known that when we need you you’d be there, but lately there’s just that air of something more special in you than that.

While I know both our lives have changed dramatically since the boys were born, I’ve really seen you grow. I’ve seen you put our kids first, be involved and actively participate in parenting alongside me. I’ve seen a shift from “if I have to” to “of course I will” or “I want to do that” and it’s made you unbelievably and unequivocally more sexy to me.

In these past few weeks alone you’ve made runs to pick up extra summer school uniforms for next term after our bigs grew too fast over winter, you’ve willingly texted me as “Charlie elf” to tell the kids Christmas is only 100 days away, you’ve left work early for training pick-ups or drop offs, for school assemblies or just because I got too nervous letting Zoe catch the bus by herself. You’ve attended parent teacher interviews and actively participated and despite the tantrums and screams for mum you’ve navigated dinner and bath time alone more and more as I try to stay on top of other things – and while some may say “he’s their dad that’s just expected” sometimes it can’t always be the case. 

These people don’t see how you leave the house at 5:30am Monday through Friday some nights after being up for hours on end with Carter crying and how you don’t come home some nights till after 8. They don’t see you studying for your masters until 1 or 2 am or waking at 4am on a Saturday to travel with the Junior Raiders during their season. They don’t see all the stuff you are doing in the hopes that it will improve our lives and what we can provide our children in the future.

I know that in the thick of these years I can feel overwhelmed by coping on my own, I can resent that you aren’t home as much as other dads are but the truth is I am unbelievably proud of you. I am also unbelievably thankful that despite all of these things you still want to be there for your kids, you stand track side, sit in grandstands, you attend ceremonies and you do bath times. You “duck” down to the shops at 9pm when I realise there’s no milk or bread, you do load after load after load of laundry so we have clothes to wear, you hug them when they need it and you back my parenting decisions 100%.

I knew when I married you that you’d be a great dad, but I never imaged you’d be exceptional.
I’ve never loved you more and I want you to know how thankful I am for you each and every day.

sincerely, your wife.