Things I’ve learnt from you over this past 12 months…..although you can understand me and even for the most part respond to me you will do nothing unless you actually want to. I’ve learnt that you, like Cooper before you, prefer the outdoors and wide open spaces to anything offered to you inside. You are confident and comfortable where ever you are but you also look for Carter more than he looks for you for reassurance. You are happy to talk to anyone who will give you attention. You are mischievous and cheeky and oh so troublesome at times. You want to do everything on your own, you will tantrum over the wrong shoes, not being able to carry your own bag to daycare and especially being told you can’t eat slugs, worms, poop or drink from the dogs bowl. You are Brave.
You are determined to peddle your own trike….to climb the rock wall alone…. Eat seated at the table instead of your high chair. You are just determined. Your vocabulary is outstanding, with every new word I wonder how you go so clever – so many people told me that you’d be slower to learn to walk, talk, jump, run because you were premature and because you were a twin – but as I said –determined!
Over this year I have laughed and smiled with you and at you. I’ve held your hand and kissed your face 10000000 times and I’ll never get sick of hearing you say “love you mum” .
When you arrived our whole worlds changed, my ideas for our family changed and my perception of myself changed. Sometimes I feel like I am super-mum tackling each day with you and your siblings then there are times i feel like I am barely scrapping by, am I spending enough time with you? Have I read to you enough, played with you enough, have I told you I love you enough. As you will learn as you grown there is never enough time to spend with those you love, never enough time to hug, but for you Mason, I hope I’ve given enough for you to know you belong here.
Every morning I wake to you yelling at Carter to get up from bed, and then your little face beams as I open your door and you run as fast as lightening down the hall for breakfast. At night long after your brother is asleep I hear you playing or climbing into his bed to give him toys. While you fight – you two are exactly who each other needs 100% of the time.
You love: tormenting your brother Carter till he loses it. food, trucks (especially garbage trucks) bikes, buses, rudiger, climbing, running, football, dancing and octonaughts
You hate: sleeping, broccoli, nappy change time, the white part of a poached egg, did I say sleeping already?
Your best friend is Carter.
You can count (with Caterina) to 10 in Italian and English, have been requesting you sit on the toilet (alas nothing happens) climb jump and run as well as must 3 year olds.
Teeth: 16 – just 2 year old molars to come
Height: 86.5cm
Weight: 12.2kilo