Tuesday, 2 June 2015

4……. I think I’m in shock…. Cooper is 4!


My Baby Boy, Super Cooper or Coop-a-loop I can’t believe another year has pass.


You still amaze me every day, your personality and caring nature glows. You are the gentle giant, so like your dad. This year you have gone from strength to strength. You are so clever and so interested in the world around you, it makes total sense to me that this time in a year you will be at pre-school.


I am proud of you every day, I have fun with you every day, and every day you make me thankful for the opportunity to be a mother, to be your mother.


Your call that the "7 is at the front" of the clock every morning wakes me up with a smile. The sweet kisses you give Zoe before she goes to sleep each night warm my heart – she could not have asked for a better BIG brother than you. Regardless of your fights as you grow, she has started her life knowing she can depend on you, and you should be proud of that. We are proud of that.


I see you cuddle her when I have been cross at her, I’ve seen you hold her hand to keep her safe on walks, I have seen the beautiful soul that you are every single day and I am so pleased that in some way I have done something right for you to be this way.


We have had such a great  year of adventures, holidays, day trips to the snow and playdates with friends, I know soon enough these memories will start to stick – and I’m hopefully you’ll look back and remember what fun we had!


Yes, you are loud and boisterous, you can be rough and spiteful, but in this last year you have grown up so much….. almost too much….. you are a boy now, not a baby or a toddler, not even a little boy, but a BOY.


Thank you for being just the way you are.


We love you Coops, Happy 4th Birthday!



Can ride a bike without training wheels, hit a golf ball from a tee like a pro, you have almost learnt to swim, is dry day and night, you know the letters of the alphabet by sight, you are working on writing your name

You love to: run, jump, hide, climb, ride and scoot! You are an outdoors kid!

Favourite Toy: Lego

Your best Friend: Riley Tank

You Love: dinosaurs, lego, reading before bed time, long long baths, digging in the garden, going to the football with Daddy and spending time with your grandparents

You hate: Capsicum and "daddy washing my hair because he gets soap in my eyes"

Your Favourite food is: Chicken, pasta and apples

Biggest Event this year: Visiting Taronga Zoo, The Sydney Aquarium and riding the ferry. Going down the Taipan at Jamberoo Action Park with Daddy and claiming at the bottom "You should go down mummy, you’d really LOVE IT, come on!"

Height:118cm (or there abouts)

Weight: 20 kilos

Monday, 1 June 2015

Our Zoe is 2!

On your second birthday sweet girl....strong willed, wild child, sleep resistant, spirited Zoe, you are two!

You are bold, you are brave, you are determined to do everything BIG BROTHER does, and you are still so petite and sweet that despite all the boundaries you push me to I am still 100% besotted by you. Still so in love with this girl I created.

Your eyes are as blue as the day you were born, your hair just as short, but baby girl oh how you have changed, there's no gummy grin, and you are full of confidence. I know my darling daughter I will never have to worry about you being led astray, or bullied into doing something you don't want to do, I know that you will always be the leader of the pack. I know you will always be the centre of attention anywhere you go. AND I KNOW that you are going to cause your father and I many many more headaches in the future than you do right now.

You do not sleep, but I have come to learn that this is the time I have to remind myself that these sleepless nights will be missed as you grow.

When you have stopped the whirlwind, when the hurricane you created dies down I sit out of sight, watching.

I watch you grow, I see you tidying up after yourself, carrying your babies around calling them "darling", I see you mimicking me. I see you reading quietly in the corner, drawing rainbows and singing softly to yourself. I see you defend your brother and seek his comfort when I have been cross. I see you ganging up on me.

Your fiery personality is balanced so carefully with your snuggly side. Your caring sweet disposition always on show in the presence of strangers.

Your love and affection for Cooper is immeasurable, you are the apples of each others eyes. I could not have fathomed how beautiful your relationship would be, nor could I have wished for it to be any more than what it is. I prayed for the two of you so hard, to see you now, playing, learning and fighting creates such a powerful feeling, I can only wish that one day you too will feel it.

Every day I see more and more of me in you. How could I not be so proud of the things you can do that I feel like bursting, how can I not swell with emotion, joy and love every day that you are mine.

You continue to shine such a light into our lives it's blinding. I hope you know that through the years we live together, regardless of the highs and lows I only want the best for you.

As we now embark on the next year with you, can I ask that it slows down, the time it takes for children to grow out of your arms and your beds swiftly approaches, I am going to hang on to you my baby girl as long as I can.

Can count to 10
Sings ABCs with assistance
Has 14 teeth

You love to: sing, dance, play with your babies
Favourite toy: Woody
Your best friends: Willow Tank and Cooper
You hate: snot and dirty hands
Your favourite food: Chocolate, but you are also really keen on broccoli
Biggest event in the last year: moving house

Weight:10.8 kilo